Wreck Remix: Full length EOSS CD featuring the Wroller Wreck
EP, the Roots EP, and remixes by Hrvatski
and Tube.
2000, out of print. |
5 track 12" EP featuring "Carrot," "Radish,"
"Beet," "Turnip," and "Hrvatski's
Night Vision" version of "Carrot." 1999. |
Wreck: 4 track 12" EP of wreck step and dubtronix from
EOSS. 1998, out of print. |
the debut, Full length CD release from EOSS. 1996, out of print. |
004: 12" vinyl: Billy Jungle. DJ
C, of EOSS, remixes
Shinehead's version of Billy Jean into a dancehall junglist scorcher.
2004. |
4: 12" vinyl: DJ C remixes Wayne Lonesome's "Come
Back Wicked" for this Tigerbeat6 sub-label, along side OVe-NaXx
and Timeblind. 2004. |
003: 12" vinyl: EOSS - Wacko Macko is Backo (DJ
C, Babylon
a Fall mix) is on the one side of this Mashit 12", and EOSS -
Overgrown Technology remix of Moosaka
is on the other. 2004. |
002: 12" vinyl: Sick - Steaktippin’ (EOSS’
Free Range mix) appears on this Mashit 12", along with a colaboration
between DJ C and Pamelia
Kurstin. 2003. |
001: 12" vinyl: DJ C remixes a Capleton tune in a rough
and rugged junglist breakcore style. Aaron
Spectre then remixes that as a punchy jungle mashdown. 2003, out
of print. |
Bank: CD: The EOSS track "SDML" appears on
this compilation of Boston IDM headz. 2002. |
RKK-13: CD: EOSS remixes "Steak Ttippin'" by Sick,
from the Attention Cats compilation on Reckank-
Reuzunqsklankewerkzeuge. 2001.
C Live at Montserat College of Art February 10th, 2001: 3"
CD: Kieth Fullerton Whitman (Hrvatski) here turns a live DJ C set
into an ambient bass drone. 2001. |
Collective: A CD of fresh beets from the Boston electronic
underground, featuring 2 tracks by EOSS, one remixed by DJ /rupture.
1998. |
F lack - Dispenser: CD:
EOSS remixes "The Story of Oh" on this DJ
Flack full-length album. 1999. |
- Sound Thoughts: EOSS does a remix on this super-lo-fi double
vinyl/CD of conceptual hip-hop from Moosaka.
1999. |
a Soundtrack to a Freeform Gathering V2: CD: This compilation
features "Carrot" by EOSS. 2000. |
de Sac - The Stranglers Wife: CD: Jake Trussell of
EOSS teams up with legendary "post rock" group Cul de Sac
on this score for a Roger Corman film. Chosen by the Wire magazine
as one of the best of 2003. |
de Sac - Death of the Sun: CD: Trussell and CDS colaborate
again on this album, chosen by Art Forum magazine as one of the best
of 2003. |
Like Family: CD: EOSS meets DJ FLACK in the "Story
of Oh" remix on this compilation of Massachusetts based bands.
1999. |
13: CD: "Magical Condition" by EOSS appears on this
CD compilation of Massachusetts based bands.
1998. |
- Swarm and Dither: CD: Hrvatski's remix of "Carrot"
by EOSS appears on this Planet µ album. 2002. |